Follow the Glitch
This research project aims at exploring the cognitive potential of a glitch. For this purpose, a visual artist and a digital poet will create a digital game, as it were, where they will be exchanging images and using glitch as an artistic, disruptive, and cognitive tool while a curator will be assigned to extract its philosophical implications. A protocol of rules for this game will be designated as well as the contexts in which the game will unfold, i.e the images, archive or volume of information where the glitch will occur. The goal of this project is to address the open questions posed by the occurrence of the glitch, such as how the aestheticization of an error may highlight new ways of expression uncovering new cognitive tools in the process; the project will also address the political alongside the aesthetic aspect of the glitch as it will raise questions about how the glitch as an artistic phenomenon merely distracts the viewer instantaneously as it is considered part of a normal procedure or if it can be approached as a phenomenon with more wide ranging implications; the fragmentation of attention and the constant decontextualisation and recontextualisation of images will call into question how knowledge about the world is amassed, organised, indexed and deployed. The game will take place on a social media platform and its result will be uploaded upon completion in PHLSPH.