This is a video created in less than a day by the participating artists of the MA of KABK. It presents the ‘creative reaction’ of every participant to the theory, discussions, open questions and various visual strategies which were offered during the seminar. The goal of the thematic seminar was to instigate critical thinking on the theme and then for the participating artists to contribute in any form they wanted – from notes to printed works to just a quote that might have inspired them. What was at stake was being engaged in the process and not the production of a final work; to make this more clear to the viewer the artists were asked to compliment their work/work-in-progress with a question, a quote or a title to show the link which inspired them.
On the scales of the photographic
Work with the Philosopher! Please fill out the formhere.
Work with the Philosopher Please fill out the form
If you have 5' to spare, read this: Connections made by me
Respectively it is targeted to philosophers and researchers, who are interested in conversing with artists, sharing knowledge and also learning from their artistic practice.It is a lab where visual artists mostly work with philosophers and not exclusively on philosophy. In that respect philosophical texts and wider topics may be in our areas of interest more as a means to explore seeing and thinking rather than the end on which we focus to extract information. It is lab which also aims at creating through experimentation and transfigurations of artefacts material which may raise philosophical questions and discussion.